Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Introducing the Energy Saver gadget

On this Earth Day 2008, we're very pleased to announce the release of the Energy Saver gadget.

This Google Desktop gadget for Windows XP and Vista helps you save energy (and money) by minimizing the power that your PC consumes when you're not using it. The gadget works by enabling and optimizing Windows power settings so that your PC meets EPA-recommended standards.

If saving energy and money isn't exciting enough, you can also see how much energy you've saved, both individually and as part of the group of people using the Energy Saver gadget. If you're like me and don't know the difference between a kilowatt and a kilowatt-hour, you'll appreciate the nifty, real-world comparisons:

Please join us in reducing power usage, and download the Energy Saver gadget.

Happy Earth Day from the Google Desktop Team!